What’s a Sump Pump, and How Does It Work?

What’s a Sump Pump, and How Does It Work?

Sump pumps are an integral part of a home’s drainage system. They work to keep your basement dry by removing water that accumulates in the sump basin. Are you still curious about what’s a sump pump and how it works? This blog post is for you!

What’s a Sump Pump?

A sump pump is a specific type of water pump that pumps out the underground basin called a sump found in or near a building’s basement. Typically, these basements are below ground level and become flooded as groundwater joins with rainwater.

How does a sump pump work?

The typical setup for a sump pump setup includes an electric motor attached to an impeller. The impeller sits inside the sump pit, where it moves through the rising water and pushes it through a pipe connected to your sewer system or outside your home and into the yard. A float switch located on top of the sump basin limits how much water can be removed by keeping track of how much standing water there is in the pit. This is to prevent overflow.

Sump pumps do come in all shapes and sizes, but most are around ½ horsepower with a vertical float switch attached to the top of the basin. The sump pump will run continuously until the water level reaches the bottom of the float switch (at which point it shuts off) or it has pumped out as much water as it can. If this is something new to you, I’d recommend reading our blog post on repairing your sump pump if it fails for more information about how these valves work.

Where should a sump pump drain to?

Sump pumps usually lead into the sewer system or yard. If your sump pump is connected to your basement toilet, overflow should be directed towards the street and not the wastewater treatment plant. This way, treated wastewater does not flow back into nearby bodies of water, such as rivers and other streams.

Types of sump pumps

There are several types of sump pump systems which include:

Backup sump pumps

Backup sump pumps provide additional protection if your primary pump fails. If water is coming into the pit faster than the primary can get rid of it, then back up pumps kick into gear to remove the excess water away from home.


This is a sump pump that goes completely inside your pit and has an electrical cord that runs up to the power source. These pumps are more powerful than pedestal ones and can flush out water quickly in most cases.


Pedestal sump pumps sit on top of the water, and options for these include a lever to switch between normal and sump pump mode. These pumps are usually cheaper than other types, but they can be dangerous if not used correctly.

What sump pump do I need?

A sump pump needs to handle the drainage needs of your home. The first thing you’ll need to do is figure out how much water your pump will need to push out per minute, then use that number to help determine the size of the pump you require. 

Types of sump pump switches

There are multiple different types of sump pump switches, depending on the type of installation you have. These include:

Vertical Sump Pump Switches

These are float switches that sit at the bottom of your basin. They include a switch arm that rises as water levels within the basin rise, which should be connected to the power cord for your pump.

Diaphragm Sump Pump Switches

These are attached to the top of your pump and work by using a diaphragm that moves when certain pressures are applied. For example, if water begins to rush into the pit, this will cause the air pressure inside it to decrease, which will, in turn, activate the switch and power on the sump pump.

Tethered Sump Pump Switches

This type of switch is attached to the power cord that leads into your sump pump and sends an electrical signal when it senses that water has risen high enough.

Cost of a sump pump

A sump pump can be expensive, but remember that this is your home’s protection against flooding. The price of a sump pump will range depending on the type you have, the features it has, and if it comes with any warranty.

Are sump pumps necessary?

Yes, sump pumps are necessary for homes to keep basements dry during heavy downpours. Should your home become flooded due to a power outage or another reason, a sump pump will make sure that water is pumped out of the area quickly and away from your home.

Now that you know what’s a sump and how it works, make sure you choose a pump that’s large enough for your home, but also ensure that you stay within your budget. For sump pump installation, 58 Foundations is your best bet.

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