Steam Room vs Sauna between steam room and sauna health benefits of steam room

As part of your quest towards improved health and wellness, you may have come across the terms “steam room” and “sauna.” While both provide relaxing environments with numerous health benefits, they do differ slightly – in this article we’ll outline these key differences and look specifically at steam rooms as a form of therapy compared to saunas as well as their specific advantages (with emphasis placed on their advantages for steam). Continue your exploration at for further research!

Steam Room vs Sauna: Key Differences Saunas and steam rooms have become staples at gyms, spas, and wellness centres around the world for their relaxing environment and numerous health benefits. But they each have some key differences when it comes to temperature, humidity, environment, materials, benefits and cost. In this article we will delve deeper into these differences between steam rooms and saunas with examples and references that can help you decide which option is right for your personal health and wellness goals.

Temperature and Humidity Controls:

Steam Room: Steam rooms typically maintain temperatures ranging between 110-120degF (43-49degC) and humidity levels close to 100% (source: Building and Environment 2013). The combination of hot temperature and high humidity creates a moist, steamy environment that can be beneficial for those experiencing respiratory difficulties or seeking to improve skin health.
Example: At Victoria, British Columbia’s Willow Stream Spa in Victoria, their Eucalyptus Steam Room is set at 115F (46C), providing guests with an enjoyable therapeutic experience. It boasts 100% humidity levels for optimum relaxation.

Sauna: On the contrary, saunas boast temperatures ranging between 160-200degF (71-93degC) and humidity levels between 5-30% (Source: International Journal of Biometeorology 2010). Their dry heat source comes from either an electric or wood-burning heater which heats rocks that radiate heat into the surrounding air – providing a perfect opportunity to take an enjoyable sauna bath session!
Example: At Kamp Spa in Helsinki, Finland, their Finnish Sauna maintains an ideal temperature of approximately 185degF (85degC), and humidity between 10-20% for an authentic dry heat experience.

Environment and Materials: Isolated Steam Room:

These humid environments are created by using a steam generator that boils water before discharging steam into the room. In order to withstand high levels of humidity, steam rooms often feature materials like tile, glass or acrylic construction (Architectural Digest, 2018). Some people also opt for steam bathing as an alternative form of relaxation.

Sauna: Saunas provide a dry heat environment created by electric or wood-burning heaters which heat rocks, with users pouring water on these rocks to generate small amounts of steam and increase humidity levels. They are commonly made out of cedar or spruce wood which can withstand high temperatures without warping or emitting toxic substances (Source: Journal of Environmental and Public Health 2018).
Example: The Loyly Sauna in Helsinki, Finland is an impressive example of contemporary sauna design. Boasting wooden slats and panoramic windows offering breathtaking views while creating an enjoyable dry heat environment, this exquisite structure boasts stunning modernist aesthetic.

Understanding the differences between steam rooms and saunas is vital for selecting an option that meets your health and wellness goals. Steam rooms provide a warm, moist environment with high humidity that may help with respiratory relief or skin health benefits, while saunas tend to offer much hotter, dry heat experiences which may appeal more to detoxification, relaxation and circulation enhancement. If preexisting medical conditions exist before beginning steam room or sauna use as part of your wellness regime. Difference Between Steam Room and Sauna and Health Benefits of Steam Room

There are various steam bath benefits you should explore. Steam rooms have long been utilized as an effective means of relaxation, health improvement, and alleviation from various ailments. Their warm temperatures and high humidity levels create an atmosphere that offers multiple health advantages; in this article we’ll review these advantages using evidence from medical journals as a basis. To discover even more steam room benefits visit

Improved Circulation

Steam room heat helps dilate blood vessels, increasing blood flow and oxygenation throughout the body (source: International Journal of Hyperthermia 2009). Improved circulation may help alleviate muscle soreness, speed healing, and boost cardiovascular health – benefits that will have lasting impacts for health and wellness in many ways.

Example: According to research published in the Journal of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation and Prevention (2018), participants who attended several steam room sessions experienced significant improvements in blood flow and circulation resulting in reduced blood pressure and risk of cardiovascular disease.

Respiratory Relief

Steam rooms’ high humidity is known to help relieve respiratory conditions like asthma, bronchitis and sinusitis (Source: American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2014). Their moist air can soothe irritated airways while simultaneously reducing inflammation and loosening mucus to make breathing easier – knowledge on this matter would certainly come in handy! For further reading and information visit this article about Difference Between Steam Room & Sauna Health Benefits of Steam Room for further reading.

Example: According to research published in Respiratory Medicine (2009), those living with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) who participated in steam room therapy experienced significant improvements in lung function as well as decreased respiratory symptoms such as shortness of breath and coughing.

Detoxification Sweating in a steam room can help the body flush out toxins and impurities through your skin (Source: Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2012). Perspiration opens your pores up so trapped dirt, bacteria and other impurities can escape, leading to clearer and healthier skin overall.

Example: According to research published in Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (2011), participants who engaged in steam room sessions experienced increased sweat production, leading them to sweat out heavy metals and other toxins from their bodies more readily.

Stress Relief and Relaxation

Spending time in a steam room can provide stress relief and promote relaxation (Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 2013). The warm, humid environment encourages endorphin release – natural mood elevators which soothe both body and mind.

Example: According to research published in Mental Health and Physical Activity (2016), participants who underwent steam room therapy experienced significant reductions in stress levels as well as improvements in overall mental wellbeing.

Steam rooms can help improve skin health by opening pores, increasing circulation, and encouraging the release of impurities (Source: Skin Research and Technology, 2008). Furthermore, their moist heat can hydrate skin cells for improved elasticity as well as decrease fine lines and wrinkles.

Example: According to research published in Dermatology (2001), participants who participated in steam room therapy experienced significant improvements in terms of skin hydration, elasticity and overall appearance that led to an overall more youthful and healthier complexion.

Medical journals have documented numerous health benefits of steam rooms, including increased circulation, respiratory relief, detoxification, stress reduction and improved skin health. Before adding steam room sessions into your wellness routine if you have preexisting health conditions. By understanding evidence-based benefits associated with steam rooms you can make an informed decision as to whether this therapeutic modality meets your individual goals and health needs.


It is essential for you to collect information on, particularly regarding its benefits to respiratory relief, circulation enhancement and skin health enhancement. Although both options offer various health advantages, steam rooms in particular are best-suited to respiratory relief, circulation improvement and enhanced skin health benefits; it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional prior to including them into your wellness regime, particularly if preexisting health issues exist – by understanding their differences as well as their unique benefits, you can select which option would best serve your personal wellness goals best!

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