US intelligence warns Kabul could fall within 6 months after the withdrawal Report

US intelligence warns Kabul could fall within 6 months after the withdrawal: Report

The warning has been subjected to a growing international concern of Taliban gains since May 1, when the United States and Allied troops began to leave Afghanistan in accordance with a chronology announced by Biden to complete the withdrawal of September 11 .

US intelligence warned that Kabul, Afghanistan’s capital, could fall to the Taliban group resurgent within six months of the departure of the latest American and international troops, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday to a meeting of the house. White on Friday between President Joe Biden and the best Afghan leaders Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah.

The warning has been subjected to a growing international concern about Taliban gains since May 1, when the United States and Allied troops began to leave Afghanistan in accordance with a biden-announced chronology to complete the withdrawal of 11 September – The 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks led to the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

India, a key stakeholder for the reconstruction of Afghanistan, called for a ceasefire not led in the country in a debate of the United Nations Security Council on Monday, highlighting a sudden climbing of violence in The country since May 1st.

The Wall Street Journal reported that US intelligence experts had previously been evaluated that President Ghani’s Government has survived for two years after the United States withdrawal based approximately at the time of the fall of Saigon in Vietnam after An American troop in 1975.

Since the US intelligence and military analysts have since revised their assessment and now believe that Kabul could fall from six to 12 months after the departure of US troops, the WSJ announced, adding that officials in other Western countries fear that The capital can fall much earlier, possibly in three months.

The US soldiers planned to liquidate the withdrawal earlier than July, descending from the 3,500 currently stationed at zero, except for a small strength to be left for the protection of US diplomatic officials and officials.

“I will say that in general we find high attacks on the ANDSF (National Defense Forces and Afghan Security) and the Afghan Government over a year ago, we have not seen an increase Attacks of our military presence since February 20th “Jen Psaki House press secretary said in response to a question about rapid military gains made by the Taliban.

“We also evaluate that we have not started attracting, violence would have increased against us too after May 1st because that was what the Taliban clearly had transactions. So the status quo, in our opinion, was not an option, “added Psaki.

US legislators are also worried about the advances of Taliban and seek insurance from the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and the President of Mark Milley’s Chiefs of Staff at a Congress hearing on Wednesday.

Miley said, “Yes, we are concerned, we watch it, but there is a military force of 300,000 more or less” of the Afghan army and the police “and it is their work to defend their country” .

He stated that the Taliban group currently controls 81 district centers of Afghanistan, but not yet none of the provincial capitals.

Austin sought to address the concerns expressed by legislators on US capacity to prevent Afghanistan from dragging the control of terrorists after the withdrawal of the troops, saying that America has “very” an effective horizon capacity for Keep an eye on Afghanistan, currently partner countries in the Gulf region and offshore platforms.

“What we would like to do ahead is shortening the legs necessary for the use of an agreement with one of the neighboring countries to base part of our ISR (intelligence, surveillance, recognition) in the One of these countries, “said Austin.

Austin has not appointed these countries, but Pakistan seems to be a leading candidate, as is clear from the repeated public protests of Prime Minister Imran Khan, who said his country will not accept the US bases on His soil.

Asked about Khan’s position, a spokesman for the US Department of State told HT, “said President Biden, the United States will reorganize our counter-terrorism capacities and substantial assets to prevent the re-everness of terrorist threats, in Afghanistan or elsewhere.

“The United States respects the sovereignty of other countries and their ability to make decisions about what is in the best interests of their national security.”

Central Asian countries such as Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan are also options for the United States to have bases due to their borders shared with Afghanistan.

The United States had founded in the past, but people familiarize with the region

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