Unesco recommends Great Barrier Reef be listed 'in danger', Australia hints China’s hand

Unesco recommends Great Barrier Reef be listed ‘in danger’, Australia hints China’s hand

the good coral reef losing its World Heritage Site status list could potentially reduce its attraction to tourists.

A United Nations committee’s proposal to downgrade the good Barrier Reef’s World Heritage status has irked Australia, which said the advice was politically motivated. The UN World Heritage Committee on Monday said during a draft report that “there is not any possible doubt” that the network of colourful corals off Australia’s northeast coast was “facing ascertained danger”.

Scientists say that the reef ecosystem has suffered three major bleaching events since 2015 thanks to severe marine heatwaves. The report recommended that the world’s biggest reef ecosystem should be added to Unesco’s list of World Heritage in peril when the committee considers that question in July.

As many as 53 sites are currently on the List of World Heritage in peril . the newest recommendation by the UN committee comes as a setback as Australia lobbied furiously for years to remain off the endangered list. the good coral reef losing its World Heritage Site status list could potentially reduce its attraction to tourists.

Australia, one among the world’s largest carbon emitters per capita, has remained reluctant to plan to stronger climate action and its conservative government has cited jobs as a serious reason to back the country’s fuel industries. it’s not updated its climate goals since 2015. But the threat of losing the planet Heritage Site could also impact thousands of jobs hooked in to about 5 million people that visit the good coral reef annually .

Australian environment minister Sussan Ley told reporters that the govt has expressed “strong disappointment” and “bewilderment” at the proposal to Unesco director-general Audrey Azoulay, adding that the country will oppose the listing.

“This decision was flawed. Clearly, there have been politics behind it…clearly, those politics have subverted a correct process and for the planet Heritage Committee to not even foreshadow this listing is, I think, appalling,” Ley said, apparently hinting at China which chairs the Unesco committee.

While Ley didn’t name Beijing, a government official told press agency Reuters that China has been liable for the committee’s stance. “We will appeal, but China is on top of things ,” Reuters quoted the unnamed government official as saying.

Australia’s relation with China has deteriorated in recent years, especially after Prime Minister Scott Morrison sought an independent inquiry into the origins of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic and was successful in getting a related resolution passed at the planet Health Assembly in 2020.

However, environmental groups said that the advice was made because Australia wasn’t doing enough to guard the reef. “There is not any avenue for any government to possess any input. This recommendation is reached by world-renowned scientists,” Richard Leck, Head of Oceans for the planet Wide Fund for Nature, Australia, told Reuters.

The recommendation will now be considered by all 21 countries on the committee of which Australia is additionally a member. consistent with the convention, however, Australia are going to be unable to vote if the panel is unable to succeed in a consensus.

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