The History of CBD Oil for Dogs

The History of CBD Oil for Dogs

CBD oil happens to be one of the most common products used by dog owners to maintain their pet’s general wellness. So many health benefits have been attributed to cannabidiol that at this point not knowing about this product as a dog owner is near impossible.

If you are new to this, then you would need to ensure that the product you are using for your pet is of great quality. You can visit Cheefbotanicals to learn more on how to buy quality CBD oil. We believe you are a good dog parent and you probably know all there is about this wonder working product.

However, have you ever paused and wondered how this product became so popular? Or how exactly it began, why did anyone think to use cannabidiol for their dogs? Well, since you are here, then chances are these questions and many more have been plaguing your mind.

Therefore, in this article, we will discuss cannabidiol’s history. We believe that at the end of this article, you would have gotten the answers to most of the questions surrounding this topic and then some.

That being said, let us get right into it…

How did Cannabis Cultivation Begin?

For a very long time, humans have cultivated cannabis. However, it was not until 1533 that scientists started studying the health and medicinal benefits of this plant. Records from early China state that hemp used to be a primary plant in China. You can read this article to learn more about hemp as a primary plant in ancient China. Therefore, the methods of sowing and cultivating hemp became quite advanced.

Furthermore, some records from the year 1533 state that King Henry VIII laid a requirement for farmers. The requirement was that for any 60 acres that were cultivated, the farmer was to keep ¼ of an acre aside for the cultivation of hemp. Also, farmers were required to cultivate hemp during the colonial era of America.

As civilization spread out, the cultivation of cannabis also spread out throughout the rest of the world. At this point, it became noticed for its medicinal and industrial properties.

Roger Adams

One name that would not be skipped when CBD as a medical product is being discussed is Roger Adams. As we have already explained in the section above, humans have used cannabis for a very long time. However, it was not until Roger Adam successfully isolated cannabidiol from the plant that the medicinal benefits of this compound were discovered.

This great feat was achieved by Roger Adams (he was a chemist), in the year 1940. Once he had successfully isolated CBD from the other compounds of cannabis, he began studying it independently.

This led to scientists realizing and proving that CBD was non-psychoactive. A particular Israeli chemist named Raphael Mechoulam was able to officially confirm that CBD is non-psychoactive in the year 1960. Once this was established, the battle for it to become legalized began.

Cannabidiol’s Medicinal Rise

In the year 1996, California became the first American state to make the use of marijuana for medical use legal. In a matter of years, seven other states did the same. With this legalization, patients in the states where it was legalized accessed marijuana legally. This made it possible for researchers to expand their researches on CBD’s medical uses.

Researches on cannabidiol’s use for treating ailments like epilepsy, chronic pain, and other neurodegenerative diseases were done.

Cannabidiol in Today’s World

In today’s world, it has been about six thousand years from when cannabis began being cultivated, and this plant has come a very long way. One of its compounds cannabidiol has been in the spotlight for quite a while now.

It, therefore, is no wonder that all 50 states of America have legalized the use of this compound. To top this up, the FDA started reviewing the status of cannabidiol in its use as a legitimate and official medicine.

The following are some landmark happenings that help boost the popularity of CBD:

  • Research showing the health and therapeutic effects of CBD
  • The Farm Bill passed in 2018 legalized CBD derived from hemp. You can visit to learn more about the Farm Bill
  • One CBD-based solution Epidolex that was approved by FDA
  • CBD based products are sold in most stores and even online stores across America

Following all these events, the popularity of the use of CBD for its medicinal properties only kept increasing. Soon, it was discovered that this compound is not just beneficial to only humans but to pets as well. So many health benefits have been attributed to the use of cannabidiol on pets that more and more pet owners are using the compound for their pets.

Everyone also knows that CBD does not have any psychoactive properties. Therefore, it cannot get your pet or you buzzed or high.

Cannabidiol in the Future

Although the perception of cannabidiol has dramatically progressed in recent times, there are still a lot of persons who do not fully accept its use. Some persons are also unaware of the benefits it offers.

Therefore, a lot more work has to be carried out if CBD is to get to its optimal potential. However, with the strength displayed by the cannabidiol community so far, it is quite safe to say that cannabidiol has come to stay.


To understand how cannabidiol became a product that can be used on your pet is to know the history of the compound. We, therefore, believe that we have been able to quell some of your curiosity as regards the history of CBD oil for pets.

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