How to Avoid the Most Common Mistakes When Switching to Solar Energy

How to Avoid the Most Common Mistakes When Switching to Solar Energy

Renewable energy growth is moving forward faster than ever. If you want to get involved, you might consider using solar energy to power your home. The best way to do this is to install solar panels. 

So how do you get the best solar panels for your money? This article shows the biggest solar energy installation mistakes. Make sure you avoid them!

Not Getting Multiple Quotes

If you’re getting a solar energy system installed, it makes a lot of sense to get as many quotes as possible. The price of professional solar panel installation differs from state to state, so you might find it hard to figure out what a fair price is. 

The best way to work out what solar panels are worth is to get multiple quotes from multiple companies. 

Spending as Little as Possible

Another critical mistake is spending as little as possible on residential solar panels. Solar panels are the key to getting a sustainable home. Good solar panels will easily last for decades. It simply doesn’t make sense to go with the cheapest possible option. 

Solar panels are a serious investment. You’ll only end up spending more in the long run if you spend as little as possible on installation. 

Stalling on Getting Solar Panels

As soon as you have solar panels installed, you start saving money on your energy bills. This means it’s in your interest to invest in solar panels as soon as possible. 

The later you leave it to install them, the less money you will save. In certain situations, having solar panels can reduce your electricity bills to zero. You can’t afford to procrastinate on this fantastic way to save money.

Not Looking Into Rebates and Incentives

Since climate change is such a huge issue, the government wants as many people as possible to switch to renewable energy. This means that there are various rebates and incentives you can take advantage of to install solar panels.

One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to invest in solar panels without investigating what you’re entitled to first. 

Not Getting a Warranty

The last mistake you can make is not getting a warranty. Generally speaking, you can expect to get a warranty of at least 20 years for solar panels.

Not getting an extended guarantee period is a significant mistake. Before committing to working with a solar panel company, make sure they offer a generous warranty period. For example, a company like Blue Raven provides a significant warranty period. 

It’s the Right Time to Invest in Solar Energy

There’s never been a better time to invest in solar energy. If you want to get the most out of solar panels, you need to make sure you avoid these critical solar panel mistakes. 

If you want to learn more about some other home improvement topics, check out the rest of our blog posts. 

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