wellhealthorganic.com:vitamin-e-health-benefits-and-nutritional-sources: Vitamin E plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy vision naturally. It acts as a potent antioxidant that protects the cells of the eyes from oxidative damage caused by harmful free radicals. This essential nutrient helps reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataracts, and other eye disorders. By neutralizing oxidative stress, Vitamin E helps preserve the integrity of the delicate tissues in the eyes, including the retina.
It also promotes proper blood circulation and enhances immune function, further supporting eye health. Including vitamin E-rich foods such as almonds, spinach, sunflower seeds, and avocados in the diet can contribute to optimal eye protection and long-term visual well-being.
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Vitamin E and Vision

Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that exists in different forms. nascence- tocopherol vitamin E is the form that stylish meets our requirements. Vitamin E’s main part in the body appears to be negativing oxidation. For that reason, experimenters suppose it plays an important part in guarding certain corridor of the eye, which is particularly susceptible to oxidative damage. Cataracts, for illustration, are believed to be formed by oxidation in the lens of the eye caused substantially by UV shafts in sun.
Eye- related benefits The Age- Related Eye Disease Study( AREDS) set up that vitamin E, along with other nutrients, helped some people who had moderate age- related macular degeneration. The nutrients reduced the threat of developing advanced age- related macular degeneration by 25 for those who formerly had apparent beforehand changes of macular degeneration. substantiation from other studies suggests that the nascence- tocopherol form of vitamin E, along with lutein and zeaxanthin, may drop the threat of cataracts.
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still, other studies haven’t set up that vitamin E is important for vision, so more exploration is demanded. It’s important to talk to your croaker before taking vitamin E supplements in order to bandy the right cure, possible side goods, as well as other treatments.
Recommended daily allowance: 22.5 international units/day.
Safe upper limit: 1,500 IU
Implicit pitfalls Vitamin E can thin your blood, and may increase the threat of hemorrhagicstroke.However, talk to your croaker before taking a vitamin E supplement, If you are taking a blood- thinning drug. One recent study showed increased mortality in people taking further than 2,000 transnational units of vitamin E. Other possible side goods cited in studies include fatigue, muscle weakness, and dropped thyroid gland function.
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Foods with vitamin E:
- Cereal with wheat germ 27 IU
- Almonds (1 oz) 11 IU
- Sunflower seeds (1 oz) 11 IU
- Hazelnuts (1 oz) 6.4 IU
- Peanut butter (1 tablespoon) 4 IU
- Peanuts (1 oz) 3.6 IU