Debunking the Most Common Solar Panel Myths That Exist Today

Debunking the Most Common Solar Panel Myths That Exist Today

The solar panel industry is growing fast. Despite this growth, there are still many persistent solar panel myths. So what are some of the most widespread myths about the solar panel industry, and why are they incorrect? 

This article lists five of the most common myths you need to know about. 

  1. Solar Panels Are Too Expensive

One of the biggest myths about the solar industry is that getting solar panels installed is too expensive. While it’s true that solar panels used to be quite expensive, the prices of panels have now dropped significantly. 

This means the best solar panels are now within reach of the average American household. Read about solar installation to learn more.

  1. Solar Panels Are Unreliable

Actually, the opposite of this is true. When you invest in residential solar panels, you’re installing technology without any moving parts. This means that there’s not much that can go wrong. 

This is reflected in the warranty you will receive from your local solar company. In most cases, you’ll be entitled to a guarantee of at least 20 years. This is because solar companies are confident in the reliability of the products they install. 

In fact, the US military relies heavily on solar panel technology because of how reliable it is in the long term. 

  1. Solar Panels Don’t Work in Cloudy States

Another myth is that you need to live in a bright and sunny state to get the most out of solar panels. The reality is that solar panels can still produce a lot of energy without good weather. 

Germany is one of the top worldwide investors in solar technology, and the weather there is not particularly sunny. In fact, snowy conditions can work well for solar panels as the sunlight reflects from the snow. 

  1. Solar Panels Hurt Your Home’s Resale Value

Another common myth is that solar panels will hurt your home’s resale value. In reality, the opposite is true.

Having good quality solar panels installed can actually increase your home’s value. It might also mean that your home won’t be on the market for as long. 

If you’re looking for home improvements that will make your property worth more, it might make sense to have solar panels installed. 

  1. Solar Panels Damage Your Roof

The final myth is that solar panels can damage your roof. In reality, solar panels won’t cause any problems if installed correctly. One issue that some people have is installing solar panels on top of a roof that was already damaged. 

It makes a lot of sense to have your roof inspected before installing solar panels. Make sure you work with a reputable solar panel company, and you shouldn’t have any issues with damage to your roof. 

These Solar Panel Myths Show Solar Panels Are a Great Investment

As you can see, many of the most prevalent solar panels myths are untrue. In reality, solar panels are an excellent investment that could save you a lot of money on your energy bills. 

If you want to learn about some other home improvement topics, take a look at some of our other articles. 

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