Booster Shot, mix and combines vaccination and new variants of Covid The Chief Scientist who explainsw

Booster Shot, mix and combines vaccination and new variants of Covid: The Chief Scientist who explains

In the midst of the most infectious variants of Covid-19 informed worldwide, scientists are recommending a combination of vaccine that can offer greater immunity and protection against variants.

Soumya Swaminathan, the main scientist of the World Health Organization says that the combination of Vaccines Covid-19 seems to be functioning well against the variants. She said: “It seems to be working well, this concept of heterologous horizontal impulse. This opens the opportunity for countries who have vaccinated people with a vaccine and are now waiting for the second doses that have been left unused in order to use a Different platform vaccine “.

But, he said that the early data of the United Kingdom, Spain and Germany suggest a “mixing and combination” regime that use two different types of vaccines generates more pain, fever and other minor side effects compared to two doses of the same inoculation, A report in Bloomberg said.

Swaminathan adds that the so-called heterologous reinforcement combinations seems to stimulate a more robust immune response, leads to higher levels of antibodies and white blood cells that kill cells infected with viruses.

Meanwhile, countries have already begun to test a combination of vaccines to accelerate immunization. Malaysia, for example, is considering a combination of Astrazaneca PLC and Pfizer-Biontech shots and the Government is trying to accelerate immunizations to achieve immunity at the population level for the end of the year, science, technology and innovation, Khairy Jamaluddin said.

Do you need a reinforcement shot?

Some countries and pharmaceutical officials are prepared for reinforcement jacks Covid against virus variants. But health officials say it is too early to know if they will be forced.

“We do not have the necessary information to make recommendation about whether a reinforcement will be needed or not,” Swaminathan said.

By pointing out the fact that science continues to evolve, she said that the call is premature, since many countries have not yet been inoculated against Covid-19.

It is likely that the reinforcement shots of Covid are traveling in the UK to avoid another wave during winters. Health Secretary Matt Hancock, said earlier that seven different vaccines are being tested in volunteers in England in the world’s first reinforcement study.

The United Kingdom has already inoculated a large proportion of the population than any other economy. However, it has postponed the elevation of the COVID-19 restrictions in the midst of the Delta variant, first is detected in India.

The most communicable variants of COVID-19 require higher antibody levels to prevent infection. It has been taken to vaccine manufacturers, including Pfizer and Modern to test if the adjusted versions of their existing shots will provide a wider immunity.

The report added that a dose of the vaccine directed by Novavax variant can provide sufficient protection against beta tension in previously immunized individuals against COVID-19.

The existing vaccines approved by the United States work well enough to protect against beta, delta and two other strains that WHO has designated as variants of concern.

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