Beware of Spam Calls: Who Called Me from 0800 808 7000 in Japan?

Beware of Spam Calls: Who Called Me from 0800 808 7000 in Japan?

Warning: Spam Call 0800 808 7000 / 08008087000 / 0800–808–7000 in Japan

Receiving an unexpected call from an international number can be perplexing, and one such instance is when you receive a call from a number like 0800 808 7000 from Japan. You might find yourself wondering about the caller’s identity and the reason behind the call. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Japanese phone numbers, explore potential sources of such calls, discuss how to deal with unknown calls, and provide a conclusion to help you better understand and respond to such situations.

Understanding Japanese Phone Numbers: 0800 808 7000

Japanese phone numbers may seem complex at first glance, but they follow a specific format. Typically, Japanese phone numbers consist of an area code, an exchange code, and a subscriber number. The area code, known as the “kenmei” (県名), varies depending on the region. In the case of 0800 808 7000, “0800” appears to be a toll-free number, suggesting it might be used for businesses or services.

The exchange code is the second part of the phone number, indicating a specific city or locality within the area code region. In this example, “808” might represent a particular city or service provider in Japan.

The subscriber number is the final part of the phone number and is unique to each phone line. Understanding this format can help you decipher the origin of the call and whether it’s from a legitimate source or not.

Potential Sources of the Call: 0800 808 7000

When you receive a call from an unfamiliar international number like 0800 808 7000, there are various potential sources for the call. It could be from a legitimate business or service in Japan, such as a customer support line, a delivery service, or a government agency. Alternatively, it might be a spam call or a fraudulent attempt to gain information or money from you.

To identify the source, you can use reverse phone lookup services or contact your phone carrier for assistance. Additionally, some businesses may leave voicemail messages or send follow-up emails to clarify the purpose of their call.

Dealing with Unknown Calls:

Dealing with unknown calls requires caution and awareness. When you receive a call from 0800 808 7000 or any other unfamiliar number, consider the following steps:

  1. Don’t answer immediately: Let the call go to voicemail or decline it if you’re unsure about the caller.
  2. Use reverse phone lookup: Search the number online to check for any reported spam or scam incidents associated with it.
  3. Contact your phone carrier: Reach out to your service provider for assistance in identifying the call source.
  4. Never share personal information: Avoid providing personal or financial details over the phone until you verify the caller’s authenticity.
  5. Block the number: If the call is persistent and suspicious, block the number to prevent further contact.


Receiving calls from international numbers like 0800 808 7000 can be unsettling, but understanding Japanese phone number formats and being cautious when dealing with unknown calls can help you navigate such situations more confidently. Whether the call is from a legitimate source or a potential scam, taking the appropriate steps to verify its authenticity is crucial for your safety and peace of mind.

FAQs: About Call from 0800 808 7000 Japan

1. What is the significance of the “0800” prefix in Japanese phone numbers?

The “0800” prefix typically indicates a toll-free number in Japan, often used by businesses or services for customer inquiries.

2. Should I answer calls from unfamiliar international numbers?

It’s advisable to exercise caution. Let such calls go to voicemail and verify their legitimacy before responding.

3. Are there reliable reverse phone lookup services for international numbers?

Yes, there are several online services that can help you identify the source of international calls. Some are free, while others may charge a fee.

4. Can I block calls from specific international numbers on my phone?

Yes, most modern smartphones allow you to block specific numbers, including international ones, to prevent further contact.

5. What should I do if I suspect a call from an international number is a scam?

If you suspect a call is a scam, do not share personal information, and report the incident to your local authorities or your phone carrier for further guidance.

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