What the government said was reopen by school in India

What the government said was reopen by school in India

New Delhi: India has witnessed a drop of fresh Covid cases over the past few weeks after the daily case reached a high global record with a 4.14 lakh infection on May 7. Even because many countries are not locked, experts have warned about the third covid wave, which is likely to immediately hit the country.

In the midst of concern that children can be influenced by new waves, Dr. VK Paul Niti Aayog on Friday answers questions about the reopening school on the direction of the Ministry of Health. “Many things need to be considered while deciding the school is reopened. This is a question that continues to appear,” he told reporters.

Explain that various factors need to be considered before making a decision, he said: “Because the coverage of vaccination widened, the teacher will vaccinate, we change the habit and implement social distance in everyday life … must happen now.”

“But we also have to remember that in many school countries reopened then the outbreak was reported and they had to close it again. We don’t want to put our children and teachers in that situation unless we have the belief that the pandemic will not do it endanger us. Discussion about opening Back school remains part of a larger discourse but information that sero prevalence remains the same among children will be useful data, “he continued, indicating that more data needed to be considered.

Earlier this month, the CBSE Council exam was canceled for class 12. “Our health and safety of students is very important and there will be no compromise on this aspect,” read a statement from the office of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, quoting it. On Friday, CBSE said it was developing a system to help school in preparation for grade 12 and asked for school to make students’ notes ready.

With many countries that prepare for the third wave, pushing the vaccination drive is one of the main problems. On Friday, the government said, the study showed the risk of hospitalization because Covid-19 fell 70-80 percent if someone was vaccinated.

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