Explained: António Guterres supported by the second term; How is the UN Secretary General appointed?

Explained: António Guterres supported by the second term; How is the UN Secretary General appointed?

The United Nations Security Council on Tuesday approved formally General Secretary António Guterres for a second manduum, ensuring that the former Prime Minister of Portugal retains the best work for five years from January 1, 2022.

The recommendation will now go to the General Assembly of 193 members, which is expected to do the appointment on June 18, according to Reuters.

“I am very grateful to the members of the Council for the trust they have placed in me,” said Guterres in a statement. “I would be deeply humiliated if the General Assembly was to rely on the responsibilities of a second term.”

Guterres, 72, began its first term in 2017, becoming the Ninth Chief of the UN since the Foundation of the International Agency in 1945. Although there are no deadline limits applicable to this publication, no general secretary has fulfilled more than two Terms

How is the UN Secretary General chosen?

The Secretary General is appointed by the General Assembly on the Recommendation of the Security Council. Therefore, the selection of the Secretary-General is subject to the veto of any of the five permanent members of the Security Council, according to the UN website.

Essentially, the Secretary General is elected during the closed-door sessions of the Security Council, and the approval of the General Assembly is more as a formality.

The five permanent members of the Security Council of 15 nations, China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States, are the most powerful players in this process, since any of them can eliminate a candidacy for a veto.

The US UU used this power to deny the Boutros-Ghali of Egypt a second term in 1997 and China did the same in 1981 by denying the third term of Austria to Waldheim.

The 10 non-permanent members chosen from the Security Council, of which India is currently parties, do not have veto powers, but its support remains crucial, since a candidate requires at least nine of the 15 votes to be recommended for the best job. .

In order for any candidate to have a real opportunity to be considered for the first publication, a recommendation by any UN Member State is essential. In the current race, Guterres was supported by Portugal for a second term, and none of his other seven challengers received the support of a Member State, which makes the guterres all, except for retaining his work.

A resolution adopted by the General Assembly in 2015 caused the selection process more open and transparent, which allows Member States for the first time to see basic information about all candidates, including their curriculums, and to question them in open sessions, According to the associated press. .

Guterres was appointed in 2016 under the Rules of 2015, and the same process was followed this year, which involved holding a question and answers session with UN diplomats at the General Assembly in May, followed by private meetings with Members of the Security Council.

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