Donald Trump's Son-In-Law Quietly Battle Cancer While In The White House: Report

Donald Trump’s Son-In-Law Quietly Battle Cancer While In The White House: Report

Jared Kushner, son -in -law of former US President Donald Trump, was diagnosed with thyroid cancer when he served as a senior advisor in the White House. The disclosure is part of the book, a memoir, which will be published next month, according to the New York Times (NYT). The diagnosis was reported in 2019, when Mr. Kushner visited Texas for the opening of the Louis Vuitton factory, the outlet reported further. Since leaving the White House, the husband of Putri Trump, Ivanka, has established a private equity company called Affinity Partners.
NYT carries a quote from the book titled “Breaking History: A White House Memoir”, quoting Mr. Kushner said, “In the morning I traveled to Texas to attend the opening of the Louis Vuitton factory, White House doctor Sean Conley pulled me to the medical cabin in the water Force One. “

“‘Your test results returned from Walter Reed,’ he said. ‘It seems you have cancer. We need to schedule immediate surgery’,” said 41 years who further in the book, scheduled to be released on August 23.

The cancer was discovered in October 2019, when he was involved in a discussion about trade agreements with China, the outlet said.

He kept this diagnosis a secret from everyone, except his wife, White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney and two other helpers.

An article in The Guardian said that Kushner underwent surgery right before Thanksgiving that year.

He was also surprised to know that Trump knew about the diagnosis of his cancer. The Guardian said that the day before the operation, he called Mr. Kushner to the oval office and asked if he was nervous.

Mr. Kushner asks how Trump knows, what he answered: “I’m the President. I know everything. I understand that you want to keep these things remain silent. I like to keep things like this too for myself. You will be good – Alright. Don’t worry about anything with work. We have everything closed here. “

Mr. Kushner and Ivanka have lived in Miami now where he is guarding his investment company.

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