Renewable Energy by State: Which States Produce the Most?

Renewable Energy by State: Which States Produce the Most?

Did you know that in 2020, renewable energy accounted for 12.6% of the United States’ total energy? While it’s a small part of the country’s electricity, renewable energy has steady growth each year.

Nowadays, renewable energy is flourishing. With the help of innovations, costs are getting lower. Because of that, more US citizens can use clean energy.

Many states are using renewable energy sources to generate electricity. These energy sources range from solar to wind energy.

Do you want to know more about the top producers of renewable energy by state? This article lists the top US states leading the movement for renewable energy.

What Is Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is a type of energy coming from replenishing natural resources. These sources include sunlight, wind, tides, water, and geothermal heat. Unlike other energy sources, clean energy doesn’t run out.

A lot of people still believe that renewable energy is expensive. However, there’s no denying that they’re great investments.

Take, for example, solar power’s increasing popularity. Many families install solar panels in their homes. With this, their household utilities cost lessens over time.

For your plans to use solar power, you can visit for professional help.


Hydropower is one of the largest renewable energy sources in the United States. Hydropower depends on bodies of water like rivers. They can also be any fast-moving waters like waterfalls.

Vermont is one of the top states that use this renewable energy. The state utilizes fast-running rivers within its areas. The state’s electricity generation from renewables is at 100%.

Most of Vermont uses hydropower from mega-dams. Many consider dams as another cause of environmental damage to nearby waters.

Despite that, many in the state also use solar and wind power for generating electricity.


California is another big producer of renewable energy. The state is one of the biggest producers of solar renewable energy by state.

Solar energy makes use of panels with photovoltaic or PV. These are cells coming from silicon and other materials that convert sunlight into electricity.

In recent years, over half of California’s electricity comes from renewables. This percentage continues to increase with more people installing their solar panels. Not only that, but the state also uses windmills and hydroelectric power.


Iowa is one of the states that use wind energy as a renewable energy source. Like Nebraska, they produce the highest renewables from windmills and wind turbines.

Wind energy still accounts for a small part of the US electricity generation. However, the number of states using it as renewable energy is growing per year.

Half of the highest producing renewable energy by state use wind power as their primary source. These states include Colorado, North Dakota, Oklahoma, and Kansas.

Iowa has the highest renewable produce coming from wind energy. More than half of the state’s electricity generation comes from wind renewables.

Recognizing the Top Producers of Renewable Energy by State

Renewable energy is becoming more popular throughout the United States. In recent years, US states started converting to renewables to generate electricity.

By recognizing the highest producing renewable energy by state, doubts on renewables will lessen.

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