8 Signs It's Time to Go to Rehab

8 Signs It’s Time to Go to Rehab

Addiction might feel like a lonely place. But the official statistics tell a slightly different story. Over 40 million Americans suffer from some form of addiction and suffer the many devastating impacts on their lives.

Your first step to seeking help is to figure out if you are dealing with an addiction. To help you do that, read on for eight sure signs that it might be time for you to go to rehab and get help for your problem.  

  1. It’s Your First Thought of the Day

Preoccupation with a habit is a sign that it has turned into an addiction. If you have a substance addiction, it dominates your thoughts from the moment you wake up.

It becomes a distraction from life’s more important matters. Nothing else dominates your thoughts in quite the same manner. 

  1. You Experience Physical Pain

Addiction may start as a habit, but when it takes a toll on your body, it’s time to reevaluate things. You might notice aches and pains that weren’t there before.

Or perhaps you’ve lost significant weight, making you feel tired and frail. You could have physical withdrawal symptoms, too, such as a headache when waking in the morning. 

  1. It’s Impacting Your Relationships

Perhaps your family and friends have noticed your addictive behavior. It might even be the main topic that starts arguments with your partner, children, or parents.

When relationships with the people you love become strained, it’s time to consider the long-term cost of your addiction. 

  1. You Have Tried and Failed to Quit

An addiction is something that has control over you. So you might have already found yourself in the position of trying to quit but failing. That’s a sign that the craving is too intense and overwhelming for you to tackle.

Most addicts do best when they seek professional support from a supportive addiction center where they are treated like family

  1. You Hide Your Addiction

Do you frequently find yourself lying about your substance abuse? Hiding behavior from friends and family should be a warning sign that you have a problem and might be in denial. Is it time to enter rehab? 

  1. Your Addiction Is Affecting Your Career

A severe addiction can have a detrimental impact on your career.

It might mean you start seeing performance issues at work or struggle to keep a full-time job because you aren’t reliable. You might find your grades slipping or even failing exams if you are studying. 

  1. It’s Affecting Your Finances

You don’t have to ve a gambling addict for drug addiction to impact your finances.

All addictive habits cost money, and the longer they go unchallenged, the more they will eat into your savings and earnings. A rehab program might be a wise next step. 

  1. You Feel Depressed

You might not have clinical depression, but a drug or alcohol addiction may leave you with similar symptoms to depression. You might lose interest in other aspects of your life or feel angry, anxious, or overwhelmingly sad. 

Is It Time to Go to Rehab? 

Don’t wait for the day when your addiction runs your life. You can make that change and fight it. When you spot the signs, get help and go to rehab for the professional support you need.

Ensure you properly look after your body when going through rehab – our health section can help you with some advice. 

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