7 Benefits of Commercial Fleet Tracking

7 Benefits of Commercial Fleet Tracking

Between 2017 and 2022, for-hire freight shipments increased by 12%. To meet rising shipping demands, it’s important to manage your commercial fleet effectively.

One of the best ways to keep a close eye on your fleet is through GPS tracking. Fleet tracking offers many benefits to commercial transport services and often comes with 24/7 customer support.

Read on to learn all the reasons to consider GPS tracking for your commercial fleet!

  1. Increased Efficiency

Many GPS tracking options automatically monitor upcoming maintenance needs. The software can even send you notifications about which vehicles need maintenance.

By automatically tracking maintenance, you can be sure you’re sending trucks that won’t need to stop during transport. This will allow your drivers to complete trips in less time.

  1. More Accurate Reporting

Tracking expenses, mileage, and billable hours can result in a lot of unnecessary paperwork. Fleet tracking software can automatically send you a digital version of all the data you need for reports.

Not only will this save you time, but your reports will also be more precise. In addition to vehicle locations, tracking software can also monitor a driver’s start and end times to verify their timecard.

  1. Safer Driving

If a driver knows there is a GPS tracker on their vehicle, they will be more likely to exercise safe driving habits. You will also be able to track which drivers are more likely to have accidents.

In the event of an accident, you will be able to see exactly where your driver is to more accurately guide first responders. Your tracker will also be able to show how your driver acted to help determine which vehicle was at fault.

  1. Improved Routes

By analyzing the data collected from fleet tracking software, you’ll be able to plan your routes better. GPS data can help you plan around traffic and reduce mileage, choosing alternative routes in real-time.

Your drivers will also have step-by-step directions to their destination, reducing cell phone use while driving.

  1. Lower Fuel Expenses

The combination of improved routes and increased efficiency will help you spend less on fuel. GPS tracking will prevent unnecessary stops and reduce the amount of fuel used on each trip.

In addition to saving money, using less fuel will also reduce your fleet’s carbon emissions.

  1. More Trips

More efficient routes can also increase your fleet’s productivity. By using GPS tracking, you can plan shorter routes which will allow each driver to make more trips in the same amount of time.

  1. Increased Security

Finally, tracking your fleet will help keep your drivers and your shipments safe. GPS tracking is a great tool for theft prevention.

Additionally, you can use the tracker to make sure none of your drivers are using company vehicles for personal use.

The Bottom Line on Commercial Fleet Tracking

GPS fleet tracking can help you save time and money on your commercial fleet. The software is easy to use and offers many helpful features like time tracking and customer support.

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